
September 2022 2 0 Report
What do you call the environment where communication takes place? a. message b. channel c. context d. decoding 8. The factor that affects the flow of communication is _ _. a. barrier b. speaker c. message d. feedback 9. The following are nonverbal communications, EXCEPT: a. body language c. whispering the message b. facial expression d. sign language 10. What is the correct process of communication? Arrange the given steps below. A. The receiver gets the message. B. The speaker encodes an idea or converts the idea into words or actionsFor items 11-15, choose your answer from the box. 11. It is the function of communication that allows individuals to interact with others. 12. It is the function of communication that facilitates people’s expression of their feelings. 13. It is the function of communication that conveys information. 14. It is the function of communication that encourages people to live better. 15. It is the function of communication that directs behavior.​

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