
September 2022 2 0 Report
1. What is the inverse of exponential function? A. Linear function C. Polynomial function B. Quadratic function D. Logarithmic function 2. Which of the following is equivalent to 216 = 4? A. 2 4 = 16 C. 162 = 4 B. 4 2 = 16 D. 164 = 2 3. Which of the following is equivalent to (125) 1 3 = 5? A.1255 = 1 3 C. 1 3 5 = 125 B. 5125 = 1 3 D. 5 1 3 = 4. The graph of = 5 is asymptomatic to which of the following lines? A. = C. − B. − D. = 1 5. The graphs of = 10 and = 10 are symmetric with respect to what line? A. = + 1 C. = B. = 2 D. = 2 6. What point is common to the graphs of functions in the form = ? A. (0,0) C. (0,1) B. (1,1) D. (1,0) 7. Write 3 2 + 3 3 − 3 as a single logarithm. A. 3 ( 2 ∗ 3 ) C. 3 ( 2+ 3 ) B. 3( 2 + 3 − ) D. none of the above 8. Express 318 + 32 − 34 as a single number. A. 16 C. 3 B. 9 D. 2 9. Given: 22 = 0.3010, 103 = 0.4771, and 105 = 0.6990, what is 101.2? A. 0.2054 C. 1.1132 B. 0.0791 D. -0.5553 10.Determine the value of x if 7 = −2. A. 14 C. 49 B. 1 4 D. 1​

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