
October 2022 1 0 Report
Entrepreneurs identify needs. Why do they identify needs? A. Needs are challenges B. Needs are necessities. C. Needs are opportunities. D. Needs are with solutions. __2. Entrepreneurs face the needs. How do entrepreneurs face needs? A. Choices are provided. B. Resource are provided. C. Processes are provided. D. Solutions are provided. __3. Entrepreneurs make needs positive. Why are needs positive? A. It is a basic idea. B. It is a borrowed idea. C. It is a bridged idea. D. It is a business idea. __4. A positive need becomes commercial. How does it become commercial? A. post and stocks B. products and services C. proposal and shows D. prototype and systems __5. The 3S can be used to find a good business. How is the 3S used? A. See and Act B. Sell and Abide C. Spin and Alter D. Spot and Assess _6. First in the 3S for business is seek. What is to seek in business? A. Search for the right need as a chance in business. B. Search for the right need as a change in a business. B. Settling for the right need as a channel in a business. C. Settling for the right need as a chanting in a business. __7. Second in the 3S for business is screen. What is to screen in business? A. Screen to select the bets in business. B. Screen to select the best in business. C. Screen to select the branch in business. D. Screen to select the branding in business. __8. Third in the 3S for business is seize. What is to seize in business? A. Grab to take the best chance to do theA. Do environmental scaling B. Do environmental scamming. C. Do environmental scanning D. Do environmental scrapping. __11. There are commonly proven ways of knowing the environment for business. Which is false in this case? A. Advertisement and observation B. Interviews or survey and reading C. Keeping a fixed idea and settling. D. Sharing ideas with others to discuss. __12. Know about the environment through online platforms. Which is true in this case? A. Online platforms for online access of flicks. B. Online platforms for online access of games. C. Online platforms for online access of information. D. Online platforms for online access of tournament. __13. Be informed about the environment. Which is true in this case? A. Be informed on the ads business ideas. B. Be informed on the bets of business ideas. C. Be informed on the cases of business ideas. D. Be informed on the demand of business ideas. __14. Business provide products and services. Which is true in this case? A. Needs changes as new. B. Needs are limited as one. C. Needs are met as provided. D. Needs are stopped as an end. __15. The 3S for business is applied in stages. Which is false in this case? A. Seek to identify a need. B. Screen to use data to plan. C. Seize to start a business. D. Stretch for solution at once.​

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