
October 2022 2 0 Report
1. Which of the following is an Igneous rock? A. conglomerate B. granite C. Ilmestone D. marble 2. If you live in an area near volcano, what type of rock would likely to be found in the area? A. Igneous B. metamorphic C. porous D. sedimentary 3. The following are examples of physical weathering, EXCEPT: A. freeze-thaw C. human activity such as mining B. acid rain falling on limestone D. wind blowing sand onto a rock 4. Which of these is an example of erosion? A. men digging mines C. wind blowing away sediment B. rain breaking down rocks D. light shining onto a mountain 5. If metamorphic rock is formed from limestone, where does shale come from? A. Igneous B. metamorphic C. sedimentary Dal the above 6. Where are the oldest layers of sedimentary rocks usually located in a cliff? These are located A. at the top B. in the middle C. at the bottom D. In between rocks 7. What does the presence of tiny crystals in a piece of igneous rock tells us about? It tells us that the igneous rock A, remains melted C. has very slow cooling process B. cools very quickly D. cools deep under the Earth's crust 8. In hydration, water is an active agent of chemical weathering, What happens when water loosely combines with the minerals of the rocks? It A, cements them together B, converts the mineral into another kind C. transports the rock into a lower altitude D. weakens the molecular binding of the minerals 9. Cleavage is the tendency of a mineral to break along planes of weak bonding. Which property of minerals is more likely related to cleavage? A. color B. streak C. fracture D. specific gravity​

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