
October 2022 1 0 Report
10. Gold is shiny and tourmalines are glassy. What property is being exhibited by gold and tourmalines? A. color B. hardness C. luster D. streak 11. Which type of sedimentary rock is formed by the accumulated sedimentary debris caused by organic processes? A chemical B. clastic C. organic D. none of these 12. Which sedimentary rock is made up of pebbles and pieces of gravel cemented together? A. conglomerate B. limestone C. shale D. sandstone 13. It is a process in which a molecule of a substance in rocks chemically combine with water molecules. What is this process? A carbonation B. erosion C. hydration D, oxidation 14. What happens during the process when oxygen combines with another substance like minerals in rocks ylelding compounds called oxides? There is A carbonation B, erosion C. hydration D. oxidation 15. Why is it that erosion is an exogenic process? It is because erosion A. cannot cause mass wasting B. takes place on the earth surface C. involves the breakdown of rocks D. involves the movement of the eroded materials and sediment​

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