
September 2022 1 1 Report
IL A. Find the sum 1. Add 2.3456 and 12.5555 - 2. What is the sum of 109.2341 and 10.0009? 3. Find the sum of 0.0003, 10.43 and 2.65 4. What is the total of 2.5007 and 3.2418? 5. 2.43 plus 2.5675 is B. Find the difference 1.) Subtract 2.3456 from 12.5678 2.) What is the difference of 19.2341 and 10.0080? 3.) Find the difference of 23.5675 - 23.4489 4.) What is the difference between 25.6754 and 24.00057 5.) 3.54 minus 2.3456 in​

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