Test 1 - True or False: Write the word Yehey if the statement is correct and Yahoo if it is not. Write your answer before the number.

1. Different speech communities may reflect subsets of the same language called dialects. 2. People with a certain word choice, syntax, and pronunciation are revealed to be members of a particular speech community.
3. Sigmund Freud opened the first experimental laboratory in psychology at the University of Leipzig, Germany.
4. The Demographic Transition Model (DTM) is based on historical population trends of two demographic characteristics.
5. The earliest evidence of such explorations come from the archaeological discovery of a Sumerian clay tablet map that dates back to 2300 BC.
6. Edward Burnett Taylor wrote "Researched into the Early History of Mankind and the Development of Civilization".
7. Adam Smith collected historical materials systematically and critically and arranged them into a historical narrative.
8. Herodotus wrote "Wealth of the Nations" in 1776.
9. Eratosthenes described the known areas of the world and divided the Earth into five climatic regions.
10. Charles Darwin wrote "Principles of Physiological Psychology."
11. Through the Medieval and Renaissance periods, history was often studied through a sacred or religious perspective.
12. Economics was not considered a separate discipline until the eighteenth century.
13. In medieval times, scholars argued that it was a moral obligation of business to sell goods at a just price.
14. The Ancient French made the first contribution to the subject through measuring the Earth using grids of meridians.
15. The formal study of language began in China.​

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