A.Boolean Logic
B. Phase Searching
c. Plus (+)
e. Ampersand
F. Hashtag
g. Finding Documents
H. Searching Site

1. narrows, broadens, or eliminates search term.

2. is used to search for famous quotes, proper names, recommendations, etc. It encloses the phrase in quotation marks.

3. indicates that the word after the sign is a required word must be found in search. Example: +fire

4.(-) sign - indicates to exclude a word from your search that is not required on the result. Example: Jaguar speed -car

5. (e) is used to find social tags. Example: @Steve Jobs

6. is used to find popular hashtags. Example: #LawOrClassroom

7. using the filetype refines the search for documents on the web.

8. the sites find webpage from a website. Ex.: National Geographic information in Australia Search: Australia site: NationalGeographic.com

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