
September 2022 2 1 Report
-(contemporary philippine arts from the regions)-

1.) the manner in which artist use and manipulate materials to achieved the desired form effect and communicate the desired concept or meaning according to his her personal style is called.
a.) modern technique
b.) style
c.) technique
d.) wants

2.)center of arts for many years during the anchor empire with sculpture of up sara is known as
a.) angkor tales
b.) adorning royal
c.) avidly craft
d.) siem reap

3.) whatwhat do you call the most popular printing techniques and is most used by companies when printing design on products of different sizes and materials?
a.) clay modeling wood carving
b.) metal
c.) silk screen printing
d.) wood carving

4.) who who wrote the poem the man with the hoe
a.) edwin markham
b.) erwin markham
c.) galo ocampo
d.) leeroy

5.) is an art that has been practice all over the world but very avidly in southeast asia?
a.) wood carving
b.) clay modeling
c.) silk screen printing
d.) metal casting

6.) what is analogue photography
a.) creating a recorded project.
b.)process of making a film that will in the production of film for cinemas
c.) refers to protag refer you think and analogue camera and film
d.) none of the above

7.) who created the art association of the philippines?
a.) honorata de larama
b.) purita kalaw ledesma
c.) lucrecia r. kasilag
d.) galo ocampo

8.) what is one technique used by renaissance artists?
a.) blending
b.) juxtaposition
c.) linear perspective
d.)sten 7cil

9.) what is stage of film making in which the ideas for the film are created?
a.) development
b.) pre-production
c.) production
d.) reproduction

10.)it is an interdisciplinary research area at the interface of computer science and engineering?
a.) industrial design
b.) robotics
c.) music production
d.) digital filmmaking

11.) a bamboo installation in the philippines designed to resemble a boat
a.) chrysalis
b.) new york colony
c.) polyp
d.) river of life

12.) an installation created by the artist to resemble complex marine life?
a.) polyp
b.) new york colony
c.) chrysalis
d.) river of life

13.) what is the materials used to create chrysalis?
a.) stone
b.) clay
c.) wrap
d.) bamboo

14.) the mindanao an contemporary contemporary artist who is known for his stylized figures of children.
a.) dennis puzon
b.) eloisa b. sanson
c.) genotiva
d.) trixia sola

15.) blaan is is a combination of two words bila and an the word bila means.
a. )growth
b.) house
c.) new
d.) people​

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