
November 2022 1 7 Report
1.)which community will be less affected by an earthquake?
a. a community that is within 1KM he just of the epicenter,
b. a community that experiences an earthquake with another tough focus of 100 km.
c. a densely populated community that has no earthquake preparedness measures in place.
d. a community that experiences an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.5 .

2.) which of the following is caused by a landslide or explosion under the oceans?
a. fire
b. ground rupture
c. liquefaction
d. tsunami

3.) at convergent plate boundaries_________.
a. two plates slip past horizontally each other
b. two plates move in opposite directions away from each other
c. two plates move in opposite directions to each other
d. two plates are moving vertically

4.) which of the following is not true about reduction of earthquake risks?
a. hazard maps must be made.
b. accurate data according of earthquakes.
c. strong and resilient buildings must be developed.
d. careful analysis and interpretation of ground shaking is unnecessary.

5.)which secondary effect of an earthquake is described as collapse of buildings caused by earthquake vibrating water-saturated real or unconsciously dated soil
a. flood
b. landslide
c. liquefaction
d. tsunami

6.) many divergent plate boundaries coincide with____.
a. edges of the continents
b. mid ocean ridge
c. transform faults
d. volcano

7.) what might happen when ground shaking results to breakage of gas electrical lines and fuel lines and overturning of stoves?
a. fire
b. landslide
c. liquefaction
d. subsidence

8.) which can help reduce the risk of an earthquake?
a. hazard maps
b. building resistant structures
c. through effective earthquake instrumentation
d. all of the above

9.) during large earthquakes which is responsible for the greatest number of fatalities?
a. drowning
b. fires
c. people buried alive
d. large objects building fall on people

10.) which is not a cause of earthquake?
a. movement of tectonic plates
b. changing of soil density
c. motion along earth's faults
d. shifting of bedrocks

11.)accurate data gathering recording and interpretation of data pertaining to ground shaking are all components of_____.
a. hazard mapping
b. earthquake instrumentation
c. structural engineering
d. none of the above

12.) which of the following is a primary hazard caused by an earthquake?
a. cracks on the ground faults
b. landslides
c. liquefaction
d. tsunami

13.)when you are inside a building when earthquake begins you should_______.
a. run outside immediately
b. duck cover and hold on
c. go to an open space.
d. call your friends and relatives to let them know if you are ok or not.

14.)which can be prevented by enforcing slopes and rerouting of other passages?
a. landslide
b. liquefaction
c. subsidence
d. tsunami

15.) if you are at risk from earthquakes what can you do to prepare for an earthquake?
a. choose a safe place in every room of your house like study tables or desk.
b. develop a family disaster plan.
c. educate yourself on earthquake safety measures.
d. all of the above​

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