
October 2022 1 1 Report
1. The word “Dance” comes from an Old German word Danson Which means “to__________”.

2. It is an element of dance that refers to how fast or slow movement is, and how it unfolds


3. It is a kind of dance that communicates the customs, beliefs, rituals, and occupations of the people of

a region or country.

4. It is also called Force that involves the flow of motion- how movements are animated by kinetic

energy in distinctive ways.

5. An element of dance that encompasses the overall design of movement- where it takes place in the

space, as well as its size and shape.

6.It is one of the benefits of dancing that connects us with the community & meeting new people.

7. “Movement and dance are extremely expressive, which can allow you to escape and let loose,” what

benefits of dancing is being referred to?

8. Cha-cha-cha, Jive and Rumba are examples of what kind of dance?

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