18.Which of the following materials are biodegradable? A. rubber band C. dried leaves B. plate D. nail
19.Among the biodegradable materials below, 19.which one rots first? A. corn grain C. paper B. palay D. wood
20.Which of the following activities produce or form a new product? A. burning of dried leaves produces ashes. B. cutting paper into smaller pieces C. ice cube melts because of heat D. milling of palay into rice grains
21.If water is exposed to a very low temperature, it will A. evaporate C. melt.. B. freeze. D. not change.
22.Which activity shows reduction of wastes? A. Having a compost pit B. Repairing broken chair. C. Donating old clothes to flood victims. D. Bringing reusable shopping bag when buying in the market.
23.Keeping cellophanes so it can be used in the future is an example of A. Reusing C. Recycling B. Reducing D. Recovering
24.Waste materials that are not properly managed will result to A. calamity C. destruction of natural ecosystem B. pollution D. all of the above
25.Making bags out of shampoo sachets is an example of A. Reusing C. Recycling B. Reducing D. Recovering

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