1. Which of the materials below can be used in another way? A broken plate C. plastic soft drink bottle B. ice candy wrapper D. shampoo sachet
2. This material is very harmful if placed in the kitchen. A. chlorox C. sharp knife B. garbage can. D. stick broom
3. A mirror shows a physical property of matter which break easily when subjected to high pressure. A. brittleness C. elasticity B. ductility D. hardness
4. Among the materials below, which one shows elasticity? A. electric wire C. rubber band B. mirror D. wood
5. This type of change of matter involve changes in size, shape, or form. A. chemical C. matter B. climate D. physical 6. Burning wood to make charcoal is an example of change A. chemical C. matter B. climate D. physical
7. When a banana peeling rots, what type of chemical change is observed? A. combustibility C. flammability B. biodegradability D. malleability

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