[MULTIPLE CHOICE: Chote the letter ofthe best answer foreach item below. Write your answer on separate sheet of paper. 1 What mension of health is involved when you try to pla plano? {Socal Health (C.Mental Heath £8. Physieal Health ©. Emotional Heath 2. How many dimension/sof heath re there? Aa co as 7 3. Thismeans beingaifelong learner by continuously wanting to learn new things and improve one's kl ‘A. Emotional Health Social Health ‘8. Menta Heath _. Physical Health 4. Tling the truth i an example of what dimension of health ‘A Emotional Health Moral-sprtual Heath ‘8. Menta Heath 1, Social Health 5. Iteefers to how well you meet the demands of dalle and how you adjust to new situations. ‘8 Emotional Health .Sacal Health ‘8. Mental Heath ©. Physical Health 6. Which of the following are examples of being socially healthy? ‘A.Cooking Adobo Expressing your emotions ina positive way 8. Keeping friends Practicing cleanliness and good grooming habits 7. tefers to your personal beliefs, values, and faith ‘A Emotional Health Moral-spirtual Heath ‘8. Mental Heath 1, Social Health 8, What dimension of health is involved when you react to social situations and show how you interact with various social institutions? {Social Health Emotional Heath ‘8. Mental Heath . Mora-spirtual Heath ‘9, What s the dimension of health that refers ta the body aspect of health? {Socal Health Mental Heath £8. Physieal Health ‘Emotional Health 10. Which ofthe following isthe state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity based on WHO?

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