
October 2022 0 21 Report
Tell whether the following is Chemical or Physical Change

1.When making a sauce, a chef boils the alcohol until it changes to a gas and leaves the pan.
2. A scientist adds high pressure to gaseous oxygen until it turns into a gas.
3. Hydrogen sets fire and burns when exposed to oxygen and a spark.
4. A person accidentally drops a mirror so that it shatters.
5. A child falls from a tree and breaks a bone.
6. As soon as you begin eating, your body starts to digest food. The process of digestion is a
7. After dipping a piece of a chicken into batter, a person puts it into a deep fryer. The process of frying chicken is a.
8. When a person slices tomatoes before adding them to a salad, what type of change did the tomatoes experience?
9. Sugar is dissolved completely into water.
10. A branch rots and decomposes after falling from a tree​

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