
October 2022 0 16 Report
Solve the following problems first before answering.Round off your answer.Answer need to use equal sign. Don't forget your solution

1. Calculate the density of a 500 g rectangular block with the following dimensions: Length = 8.0 cm, width = 6.0 cm, height = 5.0 cm

2. Calculate the density and the specific gravity of a solid that weighs 125 g and has a volume 46.0 ml.

3.Which substance will float on water? Assume density of water to be 1.0 g/ml Gasoline: 21.0 grams(mass) 30.0ml(volume) Milk: 51.5grams(mass) 50.0ml(volume)

4. A glass plummet weighs 12.64g in air, 8.57 g when immersed in water, and 9.12 g when immersed in an oil. Calculate, the specific gravity of the oil.

5. A crystal of a chemical salt weighs 6.423 g in air and 2.873 g when immersed in an oil having a specific gravity of 0.858. What is the specific gravity of the salt?

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