Dayt. Projectile motion is a two-dimensional type of motion which consists of two independent parts: uniform motion (zero acceleration) along the horizontal and uniformly accelerated motion along the vertical. Projectiles may be launched horizontally or at an angle. A projectile launched horizontally has no initial vertical velocity, and its vertical motion is similar to that of free fall where downward velocity increases regularly at the rate of 9.8 m/s in every second due to gravity. On the other hand, a projectile launched at an angle has the initial velocity in both horizontal and vertical components. Its upward velocity decreases uniformly while the downward velocity increases regularly because of the acceleration due to gravity. Part I. Analyze the vector diagram of the cases of projectile motion below and complete the information needed in the table that follows. * 12 m/s initial velocity final velocity -10 m/s acceleration 12 m/s -20 m/s Figure 1. Projectile launched horizontally Physical Quantity displacement velocity 9. 5. equal to velocity at all points 12 m/s CASE 1 PROJECTILE LAUNCHED HORIZONTALLY Vertical Component Horizontal Component changes uniformly 3. 1. 4. equal to zero 7. +20 m/s equal to gravity Vir +10 m/s Vix 12 m/s Om/sy 2. constant V zero 4- ivity above 12 m/s at this point 7 12 m/s -98 m/s Figure 2. Projectile launched at angle equal to velocity at all points 8. -10 m/s 12 m/s -20 m/s PROJECTILE LAUNCHED AT ANGLE Horizontal Vertical Component Component CASE 2 12 m/s 10. X changes quadratically. changes uniformly at the rate of 9.8 m/s every second 6. not equal to zero, equal to initial velocity​

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