Direction: Supply the word to complete the statement about Philippines Festivals and Theaters Choose your answer at the word pool below. A.headdresses D colorful G. Storytelling J. May B. Flores de Mayo E. June H. Lenten Season K. pantomime C. cloth F. Senyor Sto. Niño 1. chapel 1. In Obando Fertility Rite and vivid looking banderitas (flaglets) are seen hanging across the streets to welcome the dancers and visitors. 2. The Dinagyang festival traces its roots as a thanks giving celebration in the honor of Esenyor Sto. Niño 3. The root word, dagyang means 'to make happy', that's why colorful costumes and are made to represent this celebration. 4. One of the most popular and biggest celebrations during May is the Stacruzan or 5. Stacruzan celebrated the whole month of 6. Shadow Puppetry is considered an ancient art from a entertainment and 7. Shadow Puppetry is presented behind the 8. The movements in drama are often accompanied by other elements, such as dialogue, chants and costumes 9. A theater play presented during is Senakulo. 10. Senakulo play can be perform on the street, on stage, in a or church​

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