
October 2022 1 4 Report

[tex]pa \: answer \: po \: plssssss \\ nonsense - report \\ correct - brain \: list[/tex]
1. When you play a game, this skill is developed through time of playing which can help be accurate and skillful in performing tasks.

2. These are the skills that coordinate when releasing the object to the target.

3. In playing the game again and again, you have a tendency to absorb the routine and adopt how you will play it. What skills are being developed?

4. Your every move count and so it must be precise. You need to be careful in your action/s especially if you are targeting your goal.

5. These skills help you to be stronger and alert.

6. These skills involve critical and deep thinking to decide on the moves you will take.

7. When playing these target games different parts of the body need to work together to efficiently transfer the object to the target.

8. These skills may be developed in measuring the nearness and closeness of the target or opponent's position.

9. In order to hit the target, players need to hit the aim, roll and shoot for the goal

10. To hit the aim, you need to be attentive by giving emphasis on the target​

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