POST-TEST-Directions: Read the following statements carefully then change the following direct speeches to reported speeches. Encircle the letter of the best answer
1) Mark said to her, "I will keep trusting God."
A. Mark said to her I will keep trusting God.
B. Mark told her that he would keep trusting God.
С. Mark told to her that I will keep trusting God.
2) Hevir asked her, "Are you blessed today?
A. Hevir asked her if she was blessed that day.
B. Hevir asked her whether she is blessed today.
C. Hevir asked her are you blessed today.
3) John asked him, "What gift have you received from God?"
A. John asked him what gift have you received from God.
В. John asked him what gift he has received from God John asked him what gift he had received from God.
4) Joan said to me, "Have faith in the Lord."
A. Joan told me to have faith in the Lord. В. Joan told me have faith in the Lord.
C. Joan said to me to have faith in the Lord.
5) Zach told John, "Do not boast."
A. Zach told John do not boast.
B. Zach told John not to boast.
C. Zach told John to boast.​

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