
September 2022 1 15 Report
7. The factors to be considered in packaging the products arethe following shape, images or product lay-out, practicality and a. Being friendly c. Dust friendly b. Environmental friendly d. Water friendly 8. Where to advertise your products? a. Magazines, newspapers C. A only b. Networking sites and social media/ mobile networking d. A and B 9. John sells polvoron in the school. His total sales of the week is Php 500. The total expenses is Php 250.45, how much is his profit for the week? a. Php 255.55 b. Php 245.55 c. Php 249.55 d. Php 259.55 10. Aling Belinda displays ice candies in the school canteen from Monday to Friday Her total sales for the month is Php 19,200.00 and the total expenses is Php 11, 000.00. how much is the profit for the month? a. Php 8.200 b. Php 8.000 c. Php 2,800 d. Php 5.800​

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