
December 2021 1 7 Report
I. Choose the letter of the correct answer from the box. Write your answer on the space provided. a. Food preservation e. Dry salting b. Drying f. Brine salting c. Salting d. Freezing g. Combination method 1.) It is the prevention of food spoilage, which is caused by the growth of microorganism in foods. 2.) It is a food preservation method wherein water is drawn out of the food either naturally (placing food under the sun) or artificially (using an oven and setting the drying temperature) under 50-60 C. 3.) It is a method of preserving food by using salt. 4.) Placing the food under very low temperature, 5.) This is used to extend the shelf life of food products. 6.) It can be traced on the idea of Egyptians and an ancient way of food preservation. 7.) A food preservation method that will maintain the freshness and nutrients of food. 8.) This method can be used in producing salted eggs. 9.) In method dry salt is rubbed on fish/meat followed by immerse in brine solution 10.) Placing the food in a refrigerator to maintain its freshness is an example of​

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