
October 2022 1 0 Report
1.) These are the pliers that are intended for cutting of wire. a. Side cutter pliers b. long nose c. Philip Screwdriver 2.) It is a versatile tool that has long tapering jaws with pointed tip. Flat screwdriver b. Long Nose e. Side cutter plier 3.) Used to loosen or tighten screws with a head that has a "plus" shaped to its groove. Long Nose b. Flat Screwdriver c. Philip Screwdriver 4.) It is a screwdriver with a wedge-shaped flat tip. Flat screwdriver b. Long Nose c. Side cutter plier 5. A hand tool used to hold objects firmly, possibly developed from tonga used to handle hot metal in Bronze Age Europe. a Side cutter pliere b. Pliers c. Philip Screw Drivers 6. It is used by electricians in removing the protective coating of an electric wire to replace or repair the wire. Long Nose b. Flat Screwdriver c. Wire Stripper 7.) A hand tool used in soldering, Soldering iron b. Long Nose c, Side cutter plier 8.) It is capable of stripping the end portions of an electric wire to connect them to other wires or to terminals Long Nose b. Flat Screwdriver c. Wire Stripper 9.) They can reach into tight places that are inaccessible to other types of pliers. Long Nose b. Flat Screwdriver c. Philip Screwdriver 10.) Among their many uses are gripping, bending, and cutting small gauge wire, Side cutter pliers b. long nose c. Philip Screwdriver a a​

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