
October 2021 2 21 Report
1. where are microorganisms found in nature?

2. how does the bacterium lactobacillus help in curd formation?

3. In bread making why does the dough rise when East is added to it?

4. write briefly about the commercial uses of microorganisms in the production of alcohol?

5. what is the role of bacteria in increasing soil fertility?

6. what general precaution/measures should be taken to prevent microbial disease?

7. mention the various advantages of food preservation?

"HEY MATE,IF YOU ANSWER MAXIMMUMLY 3 QUESTIONS I AM SURE I WILL MARK AS YOUR ANSWER BRAILY! BUT IN CASE IF YOU ARE HELPING FROM GOOGLE YOU SHOULD ALSO WRITE ATLAST THAT I HAD COPIED ! doesn't matter if it's copied , but try to do your self .... may be it would help you in future or in any assignments, GOD LUCK☺️


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