
November 2022 2 155 Report
ES Activity 2: TRUE OR FALSE. Write the word TRUE in the statement is correct and FALSE if it is not t1] 11 age of its tlat nd o
1. Society encompasses different structures of social institutions.

2. People are significant part of society.

3. The institutions in the society abets mold individuals.

4. A common opinion among ordinary people is the belief that society does not exist except for the individuals who sloo compose it.

5. Society may also refer to the persistent interactions among members of a particular group like kinship group and other Institutions. Sono inollile phondroid or to

6. Durkheim argued that one can invent new language out of nowhere. SH

7. Sociological realism states that society is reality not sui generis and can be reduced to individual aggregates or parts, vodem

8. Suicide cases in the society are not an issue or concern.

9. The objectivity of society does not extend to all its constituent elements.

10.Family is not the basic unit in society but the government. ​

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