Directions: Let’s try to find how familiar you are with the different styles of reading. Write the letter of your choice.
1. Quickly reading over a text to get the gist
a. intensive reading b. scanning c. skimming d. speed reading
2. Quickly reading over a text to get specific piece of information which is focused upon
a. intensive reading b. scanning c. skimming d. speed reading
3. It is reading longer texts, often for pleasure and for an overall understanding.
a. extensive reading b. scanning c. skimming d. speed reading
4. It is reading shorter texts for detailed information with an emphasis on precise understanding.
a. intensive reading b. scanning c. skimming d. speed reading
5. Reading your favorite novel is an example of ______ reading.
a. extensive b. scanning c. skimming d. speed reading
6. In extensive reading, it is usually a topic that the students/readers ____
a. are not familiar c. enjoy/like
b. are not interested d. hate
7. What reading style is best if you read about storybooks, comics, and tales?
a. extensive reading b. scanning c. skimming d. speed reading
8. A reading style that requires readers to read and familiarize even the smallest detail of a text is ______.
a. intensive reading b. scanning c. skimming d. speed reading
9. What reading style is best if you read newspaper, magazine, or travel brochure?
a. intensive reading b. scanning c. skimming d. speed reading

10. The aim of _____ reading is to increase the reading speed without compromising the understanding of the text.
a. intensive reading b. scanning c. skimming d. speed reading
12. Looking up the meaning of the word using a dictionary is an example of?
a. intensive reading b. scanning c. skimming d. speed reading
13. All of the following are materials that you could skim EXCEPT _____:
a. dictionary b. magazine c. newspaper d. travel brochure
14. Reading simply for pleasure is ________________.
a. extensive reading b. scanning c. skimming d. speed reading
15. You're looking at the menu to decide whether to go inside the restaurant is an example of
a. extensive reading b. scanning c. skimming d. speed reading

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