Independent Activity 1
Which one?
Direction: Underline the phrases in the following sentences.
1. I ate cereal with milk on it.
2. He left early in the morning.
3. A crowd gathered at the barangay hall.
4. My mother mixed all the ingredients and put them in to the oven.
5. The magazine on that chair has an article about Covid 19.
6. A new railroad is under construction.
7. Please sit down for a while.
8. He is under treatment for Covid 19.
9. She started playing piano at the age of ten.
10. Our house is far from the river.

Independent Assessment 1
Think and write!
Directions: Pick-out the phrases in the following sentences and write them inside the
alcohol bottle image.
1. Filipinos must exercise patriotism during flag ceremony.
2. Please pray for our country.
3. Plant more vegetables during quarantine.
4. We should support our president.
5. Exercise daily to keep our body physically fit.
6. Students should strive for excellence.
7. Open our eyes to the real world.
8. I want to relax in a quiet place.
9. God will heal our land.
10. Observe social distancing at all times.

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