
October 2022 1 1 Report
Learning Task 4: Answer the following. (See Module Math6 Quarter 1 page 23) A A. Answer the following. 1. 2. 1. How many decimal place(s) is the product of 0.345 and 0.62 2. The product of 2 decimal numbers is 20.062. One of the factors has 2 decimal places, how many decimal places (s) has the other factor? B. Solve the given problems. Write your answer in your notebook. B. 1. 1. A 1. A beach house rents for 1,550.50 a day, How much will Mr. Sebastian pay if his family stays for 5 days? 2. A group of players had lunch at the restaurant. An average of P 138,25 per person, how much did the party spend for lunch? 3. A jeweler had 0.65 gram of gold. He used 0.06 of this for a pair of ear- rings. How much gold did he used if he made 3 pairs of earrings? 2. 3. 01 W5 MATH6 Teacher Mhel​

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