ing will

10. It is the process by which a mixture is separated by heating a solution and condensing using a cooling tube.

A. Evaporation

B. Filtration

D. Distillation

11. Distillation is the method used in purifying alcohols and also in separating petrol

from crude oil.

A. True

D. Solute

D. shampoo

C. Colloid

C. Decantation D. Distillation

C. glue

B. Suspension

B. juice powder in water

13. Oil and vinegar- when a mixture of two liquids is allowed to settle, the oil will float on the top of the vinegar so the two components may be separated. This is an example of A. Evaporation B. Filtration C. Decantation D. Distillation

14. A mixture with particles evenly scattered in a dispersed medium without settling

15. Which is NOT an example of colloid?

12. It is a technique used in separating a less-dense substance from a denser one.

A. Evaporation B. Filtration

A. Solution

A. catsup

C. Decantation

down is called

B. False​

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