
September 2022 1 1 Report
Independent Assessment 2:
In this activity, choose the correct answer from the given word or group of words
inside the box below for the questions being asked in Independent Assessment 2.
E. Saanen
1. Nubian
F. Alpine
J. Tamworth
G. Toggenburg K. Poland China
H. Jumma Pari L. Large White
Independent Assessment 2:
In this activity, choose the correct answer from the box by writing the letter of the
correct answer on a separate sheet of paper.
1. This breed is commonly raised in Canada. It has large ears with white and
black spots. This breed is a good source of meat for making bacon.
2. Distinguishing features of this breed are dropping, Pendulous ears, a toman
nose. This is a tropical breed successfully adopted and raised in western
3. They adapt to poorly oxygenated, slow moving, shallow bodies of water. They
do not reproduce quickly during harvest time the farmer is guaranteed of a
large size fish
4. This fish has become a staple food for many Filipino especially in the Tagalog
region that can be harvested between 4-6 months of feeding,
5. This animal is a white hornless breed and raised mainly for high milk

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