III. P. E.: True or False: Write True if the statement is correct and False if it's not.
1. Continuous assessment of physical activities and physical fitness levels are
important to know the strengths and weaknesses of an individual.
2. Intensity in physical activities refers to the amount of effort exerted by the body.
3. To make an exercises or physical activity more effective, you can increase
intensity gradually.
4. Playing invasion games does not involve running, dodging and chasing.
5. Football is an individual game.
IV - HEALTH: True or False: Write True if the statement is correct and False if it's not.
1. A healthy community has no clean and safe environment,
2. A community composes only of a father, mother and children.
3. Environment refers to the natural surroundings one lives in.
4. There are several characteristics which make a community and environment
5. The school is not only part of a bigger community but a community by itself.​

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