Let's find out how far have you gone by identifying the target game as describe in the statement below. Write your answer on the blank provided before the number.
1. What target game which needed an equipment such as gloves, helmet, ball and bat played in a diamond courte
2. It is one of the Filipino game which uses bamboo pole with greased. What is this target game?
3. What target game that has a very quick reaction time played in the field where players need NOT to carry nor touch the ball over the goal of the opponent
4. What target game is played in a huge grassy field which needed a lot of equipment and a caddy to assist the player? 5. It is a game which needed a lot of agility in order to throw a plate-like material to the opponent?
6. It is a target game which shows coordination and agility as the player aims to hit the bull's eye from predetermined distance.
7. This target game developed all the skills as the player take turns in throwing the ball to the lanes to make the pins fall. 8. A target game that developed agility, endurance, flexibility and coordination as one of the player crouches while the other player jumps over him/her.
Paki sagot po please​

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