
September 2022 1 1 Report
- Fluency. - Cohesion
- Tone. - Correctness

1. Myrna is unsure about the accuracy of data is presenting.
2. Amy wore a black dress and a serious face during her eulogy on the funeral.
3. Lucy share the step-by-step process in creating a kite.
4. Resty was quiet and comfortable and slow when speaking in english.
5. Brita find it hard to speak in italian continuously and naturally.
6. Shirley give the instruction on how to cook puto.
7. Abed was careful to provide truthful information on his report.
8. Penny smile a lot and cracked some jokes during her wedding speech.
9. Bernadette sounds so natural and confident when speaking english.
10. Joan for a formal business attire during her public speech.
11. Lindsey explain the printers repair procedures to her student.
12. The president was criticized for miss informing the public about the national budget allocation.
13. Mario is very comfortable when speaking in his mother tongue.
14. Ana talk about the chronological events of the 1896 revolution.
15. it was obvious in Jillian's expression and voice that she is very excited.


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