
October 2022 1 6 Report
Directions: Read the statements below. Write the letter of the correct answer on yo activity sheets.
1. This rural dance is said to have originated from the Philippines and is perfor mainly by

A children B. female C. male D. male and female parts.

2. Music is divided into
A. 3 C. 2 B. 6 D. 5

3. How many pairs may compose a set? A. 4 - 6 C. 2 - 4 B. 6 - 10 D. 5 - 8

4. Which comes first?
A. Execute the Step I to Step III. B. Circle dancers face each other, and Soloist continue impro- movements. C. Partners striking each other's shell and doing a baligtaran stunt. D. The Christians enter from left side and the Moros from the righ

5.How will you perform if you are the soloist? A. well prepared B. with mastery C. focus on the performance D. all the above​

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