
October 2022 1 2 Report
Direction: Write HE if the example given produces Heat Energy and EE if it produces Electrical Energy. Write your answer on the blank.

_____1. The sun radiates heat to warm us up on the planet earth.
_____2. Glowing coils in the toaster
_____3.When the burner of a stovetop is very hot.
_____4.Lightbulb inside the house
_____5.A toaster is turned on and turns a piece of bread into a piece of toast.
_____6.Outlets in the house.
_____7. A hot cup of steaming cocoa.
_____8.Batteries used in equipment or toys to make it move or work.
_____9. A huge amount of heat energy is stored in a bolt of lightning, which can strike and start a fire or cause an electrical outage.
_____10. Electrical trains used in the other countries.

*To those who help = TY

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