
October 2022 1 2 Report
11. How many times do we need to wash a container with six liters of water?
A. One of six liters of water
B. Two of three liters each
C. Four of six liters of water
D. Three of two liters each

12. What pertains to inspecting containers for physical damage which might injure, spoil, and contaminate fresh vegetables?
A. General cleaning procedures
B. Cleaning reusable containers
C. Cleaning equipment, tools, and garbage cans

13. Which procedure states that no cleaning must occur while fresh vegetables have been harvested, packed, handled, and stored?
A. General cleaning procedures
B. Cleaning reusable containers
C. Cleaning equipment, tools and garbage cans
D. Cleaning areas for handling and storing fresh produce

14. Which refers to important and useful advice about the product, its health effects, safe use and handling, storage, disposal, first aid, and emergency operation?
A. Product label
B. Manufacturers instruction
C. Material safety data sheets
D. Manufacturers information

15. How many farm chemicals can be transported on a vehicle if the container is properly secured and safe from spillage?
A. Less than 150 liters
B. Less than 200 liters
C. Less than 250 liters
D. More than 250 liters

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