
September 2022 1 5 Report
Activity 3. Structure of a Qumamela flower Objectives After you have performed this activity, you should be able to a distinguish the male and the female reproductive structures of a gumamela flower b. describe the function of each structure in reproduction. Materials needed 2 gumamela flowers (1 fresh and I withered) I gumamela bud Razor blade Fig. 2. Fresh Gumaca Fig. 3. whered Gumma Procedure 1. Examine the flower attached to the stem, 2. Examine the bud, an unopened flower, see figure 5. Identify the sepals. For questions 5, 6, 7, 8, & 9, put opened and opened the a check mark on the box for a chosen answer. Q6. What is the function of the sepals in the unopened flower? Protects the developing flower and prevents flower from drying up Give shade to the flower 3. Remove the sepals and petals from the flower. Sepals are the small, geen lcal-like structures in between the petals and sepals. Use your hands to pull each other Figure 5. Removing the wepala down towards the stem, see figure 6. and petails Q7. On which flower does the stigma feel sticky? Fresh flower Withered flower Q8. Why do you think the stigma is sticky? For pollen grains to stick For pollen grains to escape 4. Cut through the ovary and examine the parts inside the compartments are ovules which contain the egg cell. 09. How many compartments do you find? One Five 5. Touch the tip of a stamen or tap it lightly over a piece Figure 6. Orary of Gumamela Bower​

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