
October 2022 1 2 Report
6. Which of the following sentences is in the passive voice?
A. The girl reads a book
B. Marlon wrote Mary a letter
C. The woman washes the dishes.
D. The cake was eaten by my brother.

7. Which of the following is true about active voice of the verb?
A. It is in active voice if the doer is being omitted
B. It is in active voice if the subject is being acted upon.
C. Active voice indicates that the subject is the doer of the action
D. Active voice indicates that the subject is the receiver of the action.

8. Which of the following sentences is written in the active voice?
A. The children loved to go to school
B. The food was cooked by my mother
C. The chocolates were eaten by the kids
D. The face masks were given by our neighbor

9. Which of tue following sentences is written in the passive voice?
A. The man yelled at the police.
B. The police arrested the violator.
C. The president delivers a message.
D. The webinar was attended by the parents.

10. Which of the following sentences correctly converts the sentence from active to passive voice?
The people wear face mask everyday.
A. Face masks is worn by the people every day
B. Face masks are worn by the people every day
C. Face masks was worn by the people every day
D. Face masks were worn by the people every day

11. The goverment advised the people to stay safe.
A. The people is advised by the government to stay safe
B. The people are advised by the government to stay safe
C. The people was advised by the government to stay safe
D. The people were advised by the government to stay safe

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