
October 2022 2 1 Report
12. Which of the following sentences correctly converts the sentence from passive to active voice?
The inspirational message was delivered by the President.
A. The president delivers the inspirational message.
B. The president delivered the inspirational message.
C. The president will deliver the inspirational message
D. The president is going to deliver the inspirational message

13. The patient was given medicine by the doctor.
A. The doctor gave the patient medicine.
B. The doctor gives the patient medicine.
C. The doctor will give the patient medicine
D. The doctor is giving the patient medicine

14. How do you change the voice of the verb from active to passive?
A. Remove the auxiliary verb be from the main verb
B. Add a form of the auxiliary verb to main verb and change its form
C. Move the passive sentence’s subject into the active sentence’s direct object slot
D. Place the actice sentence’s subject into a phrase beginning with preposition “by”

15. Which of the following tells the differences between verb in the active and passive voice?
A. In the active voice, the subject receives the action while in the passive voice, it does the action.
B. In the active voice, the subject does the action while in the passive voice, it receives the action.
C. The doer of the action in the active voice is the object, while in the passive it is the subject that does the action
D. The subject in the passive voice does and receives the action, while in the active voice it only does the action.

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