
October 2022 1 2 Report
1. Which of these phrases describes the biotic factors of an ecosystem?
A two dissimilar organisms living together, as in mutualism, amensalism,
commensalism, or parasitism
B. the number of individual organisms in each trophic level of an ecosystem
C. any living part of an environment
D. an organism that eats only meat
2. What is a living factor of an ecosystem, such as a tree or grass?
A carbon dioxide
C. biotic factor
B controlled experiment
D. abiotic factor
3. Which of these phrases describes the abiotic factors of an ecosystem?
A an environmental factor that tends to limit population size
B. the nonliving physical or chemical conditions of an environment
C a species that lived in one place but that has moved to a new geographic loca
because of human interference
D. the complete process by which habitat loss results in the division of large,
continuous habitats into a greater number of smaller patches of lower total area​

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