
November 2022 1 2 Report
Classify the following statements according to the correct safety measures being applied
A - Protect yourself
B-Power carrying tips
C-tough lifting jobs
1. Work as a team. Oft, walk, and lower the load together
2. Let one person give the directions and direct the lift
3. When you carry with others, everyone should carry the load on the same
shoulder walk in step, and put the load down as a team
4. Use the correct hand protection wear gloves to prevent cuts
5. Wear safety shoes to prevent injury to your feet from a dropped item
6. Take extra care at platforms, loading docks, ramps and stairs
7 Don't try to carry a big load alone Ask for help
8. Work as a team. Lift walk, and lower the load together
9. Ensure enough clearance at doorways to keep your hands and fingers safe
10. Check your route for hazards​

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