1. The group of large tall mountains created when two continental plates converge A mountar range B. volcanic arc Cnt valley D oceanic ridge
2 Which of the folosing happens when plates diverge or move away from each other? A. The cruels destroyed. B. New crust is produced because magma rises, then cools off and turns into solid. C Earth's size changes because mountains are added on the earth & surface. D. The mande rises.
3. His otherwise known as an underwater mountain. A oceanic ridge B. french C. hill D volcanic island
4. Arti valley is formed simultaneousy with which of the following type of plate boundary? A Divergent plate boundary C. Transform fault rate boundary B. Convergent plate boundary D. Both convergent and divergent plate boundary
5. it is a phenor senon in which the leading plate bends towards the mantie. A divergent B. convergent C. subduction D. transform
6. When a plate is denser, it subducts toward the mantle and forms magma. This process ends up in the formation of A mountain range B. volcanoes C. trenches D. faults
7. Under water earthquakes may lead to the occurrence of A ocean wav B. typhoon C. ocean bide D. tsunami 8. Earthquake, as an effect of plate movement, results in boundaries where plates are L conve ging L sliding past III. diverging IV. subducting Al only B. llony Cland II D. I,II, and III
9. Of the following, which event or process takes place when two continental plates converge? A earthquake B. subduction C. tsunami D. magma formation
10. It is a chain oʻvolcanoes developed parallel to a trench . A mountain range B. volcanoes C. volcanic sland arc D. mountains​

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