11 The motion of gas or liquid caused by offerences in temperature is called A. tectonic movemert B. plate tectonic C. convection current D. magma chainber 12. What is the source of heat in a mantle convection current? A. the Sun B. the core C. the crust D. the moon
13. The plastic-like upper portion of the mantle is called A. the magma B. the core C. the lithosphere D. the asthenosphere 14. What is the source of heat generated by the care to the mantle? A. gases B. decayed radioactive elements C. molten rocks D. molten metals
15. Which of the following is NOT a method of heat transfer? A. condensation B. convection C. conduction D. radiation 16. Which of the following is NOT a driving force of tectonic plates? A. ridge push B. slab push C. mantle convection D. drag force
17. Most transform fat It boundaries are found in the oceans; a few are on the continents, what is the example of this? A. Antarctic Plate B. San Andreas C. Hayward Fault D. African Plate
18. There is no formation of volcanoes in the corvergence between A. two oceanic plales C. oceanic and continental plates B. two continental plates D. none of these
19. Most of the Philippine Islands originated from the convergence of A. converging continental plates C.converging oceanic plates B. diverging plates D. plates sliding past each other 20. Which of the following will NOT happen in the convergence of oceanic and continental plates? A. mountain range B. volcanoes C. earthquake D. subduction​

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