You Can Do It! Suggested Time Allotment: 10 minutes (Week 2) After learning that you are unique and special along with some changes in your body, feelings, actions, and beliefs, you came to understand that there are appropriate behaviors or actions to do in valuing yourself. The next activity will ask you to write and express your commitment to do three appropriate actions. 1. Think of three (3) appropriate actions you really want to do because you value yourself. 2. Find a good space, then stand still. 3. Hug yourself by touching your left shoulder with your right hand. Do the opposite with your left hand on your right shoulder. 4. Close your eyes and slowly take three deep breaths. 5. Whisper to yourself the statement, SOMHEESTALO "Since I love and value myself , I will and 4. 6. Repeat the statement. This time, say it out loud. Feel this appropriate act of valuing yourself. DO​

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