Writo TRUE if the statement tells a true Information and FALSE If not.
1.Philippines has 7,107 islands inhabited by friendly citizens.
2. The country is is blessed with fine beaches, lush mountains and long winding rivers.
3.Philippines has traditional villages that colebrate colorful festivities throughout the year.
4.Many tourists visit the country to rovel with the locals during different celebrated festivities.
5.In creating artwork we should always remember to apply the principles of art.
6. Contarst refers to the arrangement of opposite elements in an artwork
so as to create visual interest.
7.Examples of contrast is light vs. dark colors,rough vs.smooth textures,large vs.small shapes.
8.Emphasis is a principle of art where one element is given dominance or priority by the artist.
9.Emphasis ia achieved by the use of either color, texture,value, shape, or
10.Obvious contrasting elements contain points of
interest, meaning,certain places within a framecan draw one's attention more its others spots.

Wag nyu bastahin sagot!?!!

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