Write your answers in the space provided. (10 pts)
1. Baroque Period is called the Age of Reason and En
2. Symphony is a massive multi-movement work for a sol
instrument and accompanied by an orchestra.
3. Exposition is a section of the sonata-allegro form where th
are introduced.
4. Development is the middle part of the sonata-allegro form.
5. Recapitulation is usually at the end of a sonata-allegro form.
6. Sonata is a musical composition for the whole orchestra.
7. Alberti Bass is named after an Italian composer Domenico
8. Opera Seria caricatures everyday situations of characters,
lengthy arias, naughty humor, and social satire. The opera is intended for
9. Andante means "moderately slow tempo"
10. Diminuendo means gradually becoming louder.

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