
October 2022 1 9 Report
Write the letter of
your answer in the space provided before each number.
1. A man in jeans and a t-shirt appearing in an ad for a pickup truck is an example of
A Technical Jargon
C. Plain Folks
B. Name Calling
D. Glittering Generality
2. A television cominercial portrays a terrible automobile accident that causes people to die and reminds
viewers to wear their seat-belts.
A. Appeal to Fear
C. Name Calling
B. Glittering Generality
D. Plain Folks
3. If you try to turn people against another person by calling that person a "loser", what propaganda
technique are you using?
A Plain Folks
C. Technical Jargon
B. Glittering Generality
D. Name Calling
4. Nike uses people as advertisements because they that once everyone has the "new" pair, everyone
else will buy them just because they want to be like others. This is an example of what persuasive
A Technical Jargon
C. Plain Folks
B. Bandwagon
D. Testimonial
5. Michael Jordan wears nike shoes and so should you!
A Bandwagon
B Plain Folks
C. Testimonial
D. Glittering Generality

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