
September 2022 1 2 Report
write the correct answer in your activity 1. Maria was given 100.00 pesos by her father for her allowance in 1 week. A Provide Physical Care and Love B. Teach Children to be Financially Responsible C. Inculcate Discipline D. Guide Children to Grow Spiritually 2. Amber is 3 months old, her mother and father set monthly visit to the health center for her immunization. A. Inculcate Discipline C. Develop Social Competence B. Provide Physical Care and Love D. Provide Education 3. Sharmine was scolded by her parent for coming home late at night. A. Inculcate Discipline C. Develop Social Competence B. Provide Physical Care and Love D. Provide Education 4. Nathaniel had a Bank Account for his saving when he was still 8 years old. A. Guide Children to grow Spiritually B. Train children to become a good Citizen C. Teach Children to be Financially Responsible D. Provide Education 5. Hiro was sent by his parent in USA to study Medicine at Harvard University. A. Provide Physical Care and Love C. Provide Education 6. Inculcate Discipline D. Guide Children to Grow Spiritually 6. Christine ensures to buy vitamins for her children to avoid it from getting sick. A. Provide Education C. Develop Social Competence B. Provide Physical Care and Love D. Inculcate Discipline​

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