
September 2022 1 1 Report
What's More I. Try These! Match the factors to the given expressions below. Show your solutions.
1. a² + 4a + 4 a. (h - 8) (h+3)
2. 4x² - 4x + 1 b. (x - 10) (x + 7)
3. x² + 11x + 28 c.(x + 7) (x + 4)
4. x² - 17x + 70 d.(2x - 1) (2x - 1)
5. h² - 5h- 24 e. (a + 2) (a + 2)

II. Keep Trying! Match the factors to the given expressions bellow. Show your solutions.
1. x² + 2x + 1 a. (x + 1) (x + 1)
2. 4x² - 12x + 9 b. (2x - 3) (2x - 3)
3. 16x² + 56x + 49 c. (4x + 7) (4x + 7)
4. f² - 5j 36 d. ( j - 9) (j + 4)
5. c² - 6a - 40 e.(c - 10) (c + 4)


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