
September 2022 1 19 Report
Activity 4. Conditionals
DIRECTION: Fill in the correct phrases and form of conditional sentence by using the verbs in the parenthesis. Take note of the verbs in bold face.

1. If we MEET at 9:30, we_____(to have) plenty of time.
2. Lisa WOULD FIND the package if she_____(to look) in the neighbor's lawn.
3. The manager WOULD HAVE SANCTIONED her with a fine if she _____(to call) the clients.
4. If you SPOKE louder, your caller_____(to understand) you.
5. the fragile package_____(to arrive) safe if the delivery man DROVE slowly
6. You_____(to have) no trouble at work if you HAD DONE your duties and responsibilities properly.
7. If you_____(to order) in this website, you WILL SAVE time and effort going to the store.
8. The customer WILL AGREE to be put on hold if you_____(to ask) permission nicely.
9. If the customer representative_____(to ask) the customer, he would have answered her questions.
10. I_____(to call) the customer back if i was/were you.

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